Extract all possible TaxonIDs corresponding to the provided taxonomical description, which can be at the family, the genus or the species levels.
climate = NA,
xmn = NA,
xmx = NA,
ymn = NA,
ymx = NA,
continents = NA,
countries = NA,
basins = NA,
sectors = NA,
realms = NA,
biomes = NA,
ecoregions = NA,
elev_min = NA,
elev_max = NA,
elev_range = NA,
year_min = 1900,
year_max = 2021,
nodate = TRUE,
type_of_obs = c(1, 2, 7, 8),
dbname = "gbif4crest_02"
A vector of accepted Taxa IDs (as returned by getTaxonID
A vector of the climate variables to extract. See
for the list of accepted values.
The coordinates defining the study area.
A vector of the continent names defining the study area.
A vector of the country names defining the study area.
A vector of the ocean names defining the study area.
A vector of the marine sector names defining the study area.
A vector of the studied botanical realms defining the study area.
A vector of the studied botanical biomes defining the study area.
A vector of the studied botanical ecoregions defining the study area.
Parameters to only selected grid cells with an
elevation higher than elev_min or lower than elev_max (default is
Parameters discard the grid cell with a high elevation
range (default is NA
The oldest and youngest occurrences accepted (default is 1900-2021).
A boolean to accept occurrences without a date (can overlap
with occurrences with a date; default TRUE
The type of observation to use in the study. 1: human
observation, 2: observation, 3: preserved specimen, 4: living specimen,
5: fossil specimen, 6: material sample, 7: machine observation, 8:
literature, 9: unknown (Default c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)
The name of the data source database.
A matrix of occurrence records with the associated climate.
for taxIDs, accClimateVariables
for a list of accepted climate variable names, accCountryNames
for a list of accepted continent and country names, accRealmNames
for a list of accepted realm, biome and ecoregion names.
if (FALSE) {
taxIDs <- getTaxonID("Zamiaceae", "Ceratozamia")
distrib <- getDistribTaxa(taxIDs, "bio1", -90, 90, -90, 90,
continents = "Europe",
countries = c("Germany", "Netherlands", "Sweden"),
realms = "Palaearctic"